
Our club hosts official club (ACA sanctioned) events, including trips and skills clinics, and common adventure trips. You can find more information about trips in our Forums and our Events Calendar.

Navigate the Resources Menu

The Resources Menu Tabs contains links to several collections of content:

  • How to Paddle/Getting Started: These materials include lots of info to get started, including a glossary of paddling terminology, buying a kayak, and how to tie down your boat.
  • Safety: Safety is an important value and priority of our club! Life jackets are required at all times on or near the water, and we don’t allow the use of alcohol, cannabis, or other substances while paddling at our events. We also host an archive of articles related to safety such as safety guidelines for our outings, how to dress or cold weather, and a story about a near miss on an icy cold Mississippi River.
  • Our Favorite Trips: These posts capture some of our favorite trips and places to paddle around town and beyond.
  • Trip Leader Resources: We keep a library of resources on the website to help make leading a trip easier. You don’t have to be the lead boat to be organize a trip you want to go on or serve as trip leader! Paddled with us before? Why not try leading a trip? These resources will help you get going.
  • Common Adventure Model: Read more here on our page about the Common Adventure Model we use in our club, adopted from resources originally developed by Ron Watters.

Other Resources

Common Adventure Model: Read more here on our page about the Common Adventure Model we use in our club, adopted from resources originally developed by Ron Watters.

How to Become an ACA certified instructor:

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