Thank you Marty for saving the club and I honestly believe you did just that. I've got big shoes to fill -- both your's and Dave Haessig's but I know you'll both help out along with every other member of the club.
Speaking of every other member of the club, at this time, we have 121 dues paying members. There are several major decisions that need to be made in the near future and I want every member to have the opportunity to cast their vote -- not just those who show up at our meetings. We will be doing this via an electronic survey but those who do not or cannot use that will be given other options (email, phone, text, verbal).
If you know you are not a member of the club, that is, you did not join or register in this calendar year and you want to have a say in what we do going forward, please consider joining at this link:
If you are not sure whether or not you are a member, please reach out to me and I will let you know.
Sincerely, your new Interim President, Eileen Lenkman.