September 1, 2022
No new faces
Treasurer: $9318
Trip reports:
Gary: cool cave tour 9 people they joined us with another group total 15 people plus 3 guides and safety boaters: water 3 feet lower than last time which opened some new areas. 3 hour tour. “Everybody seemed reasonably happy”
Skills clinic: had a good canoe session, taught by Tanner with Big Muddy adventures
Bob: Operation clean stream: 80+ people participated, county brought in their canoes, big rush getting people on the water. Big Muddy Adventures helped. Most unique thing? Nothing really, but there was LOTS of stuff removed. Very successful
“Do we have a lessons learned list?” We probably should.
Up coming trips
This weekend big piney overnight, down to 13 participants signed up. Boiling springs, camping at a gravel bar finishing at Ross Bridge
Sep 10: moving water clinic, TBD probably Meramec or big river depending on water level. Canoe friendly.
October 1: Current river overnight paddle 24 people registered Cedar grove or <fill in the blank> depending on water level.
Elections next month:
President, Vice President, Vice President, secretary,
presentations: contact tows Randy M. Gordon Brown has YouTube videos of this system.
Dave: plastic welding. Lexal caulk
October 6, 2022
No new faces
Trip reports: moving water clinic 11 people palisades to allerton
Current river 24 people signed up, only 14 showed acres to Pulltite , Pulltite to round springs, saw lots of wildlife
President: nominations:
Motion: Dave — move that we vote next month to dissolve the club and move our assets to the MRWTA since we don’t have enough officers. Officers stay the same for another month. Seconded by Eileen.
Active members: before covid averaged over 200 members
Last year we had about 60
This year, about 80.
Resolution passed, will revisit next month