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KeymasterThe trip is only a few days away and it would appear that conditions will be near perfect. The long range weather forecast looks very favorable and if there is no more rain the river level will be ideal. I will be at the commuter lot I-270 and Gravois Monday morning to meet up with anyone who wishes to caravan to Park’s Bluff campground in Lesterville. I will be departing at 6:30 AM sharp. For anyone traveling separately don’t forget to check in at the park office to pay your launch and/or parking fee.
KeymasterThere are more people signed up for this trip than anytime in the past four years. I guess being unable to work has some advantages. Since we are all consenting adults of sound mind we should be able to balance the potential risk involved in any group activity at this time with the reward of a pleasant experience. Social distancing while paddling and fishing should not be an issue and I’m sure we can keep our distance from each other while camped on a gravel bar. The tricky part will be the shuttle. I’m thinking if everybody wears a mask and we keep the windows open it should work out fine. If anybody can think of a better strategy than that let me know. Obviously if someone is sick or has been sick within the last couple of weeks, or has come into contact with somebody that is or has been please be considerate of everyone else and stay home.
For this trip I am going to be strict about these two items:
* I will require a completely filled out ACA WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY form to participate. If you have already filled one out online that’s fine but I still want a hard copy. You can print one off the ACA website and I will also have them available the day of the trip.
* There is a supplemental WAIVER/RELEASE FOR COMMUNICABLE DISEASE INCLUDING COVID-19 form that will need to be filled out the day of the trip. I have printed one off for every participant to sign.Normally it would be desirable to carpool to the location but in this case I think we should consider everyone driving their own vehicles to minimize exposure to each other. We can still assemble at the commuter lot as planned on Monday or if anybody wants to camp at Parks Bluff overnight Sunday be aware they have raised their price from $9 to $10 per person. Their launch fee is still $3 per boat and parking for any vehicle left there is still $5.
I’m looking forward to the trip and am reasonably confident that we can accomplish this despite the difficulties involved.
KeymasterJust signed up and looking forward to it – my first of the year! Curious as to how you are planning the shuttle considering social distancing and all that….
KeymasterI checked and you are not renewed for the 2020 year. Just click on the blue botton on the home page that says “click her eto become a member’ From there choose the type of member you want to become. limited member will need to pay $5.00 each event full member you join the club and pay full membership and all event are free. That fre excludes ACA fees if not an ACA member.
KeymasterFor the two trips I added today I set tomorrow as the start of registration. It should work tomorrow.
KeymasterI’ve marked my calendar. The website won’t let me register. Kathy
KeymasterI enabled cancellation on this trip. You need to click on the trip from the calendar and then click cancel.
KeymasterOkay – found where to renew. Just need the offline payment info.
KeymasterI haven’t been on this site for a while, and I see my membership is about to expire. Couldn’t find any info on how to renew. Could you tell me how I do this?
KeymasterThis event is still on and we will meet at the Tremayne Shelter at Creve Coeur Lake at 10:30 AM. The event ends at 4 pm. We need safety boaters to help Team River Runner to provide safe paddling experiences to new kayakers. There will be 15 Veterans organizations there trying to interact with the public and inform people of the good work that they are doing to help veterans. The Elks are providing free food and managing the event. The Elks are also a major supporter to TRR in St. Louis, and are giving two new kayaks to TRR in conjunction with this event.
KeymasterBob you can attach the flyer to a post. If you want me to do it email me and attach the flyer and I’ll doit.
KeymasterThanks Dave. I understand that. Is there a means to send a message to a member through the Club website?
KeymasterNo because of privacy concerns.
KeymasterThanks Mike
KeymasterThe club printed shirts and patches in the past, but lots of people who stated they wanted them ended up passing and the club was stuck with the leftover and it took several years to sell them. We can discuss ordering more at a club meeting.
Dave -