St Louis Canoe & Kayak Club Forums Club Sanctioned Trip Info & Comments North Fork of the White Trip Aug 12th & 13th

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    • #1080

      Trip Leader is Dave Haessig – – 314-304-7970

      This is where you can post information and questions about this trip

      This trip consists of two day-trip paddles. You will camp in the same place both nights. Camping is available at the Northfork Recreation Area or at Twin Bridges where campsites and cabins are available. We will meet at the Northfork Recreation Area Access at 9AM.

      You are responsible for providing you camping gear, change of clothes in a waterproof container, your food and beverages (Non-Alcoholic Beverages while on the river) cook gear, etc. The North Fork River is a prime trout steam for those anglers among us. This stream is known for swift riffles, great fishing and great scenery. Drive time from St. Louis is approximately 6 hours.

      This is stream is suitable for all boat types and skill levels, however there are a few tricky spots along the way. There may be downed trees, sweepers and strainers to avoid. Some boat handling skills are required. PFD’s are required while on the water. For questions as to your skill level for this paddle contact the trip leader prior to reserving you place.

      If you are not a club member, click here to register / join:

      If you are a club member, click on the link below to register for the trip.

      If clicking doesn’t work, copy and paste the link into your browser.

      Let Eileen know if you have problems

    • #1086

      Please count me in on this one, Dave.

    • #1093

      Dennis you need to register by clicking on the trip on the home page.

    • #1102

      Just signed up, Saturday night will be the peak of the Perseids meteor showers with a new moon. My app says peak close to 100 an hour early Sunday Morning. This will be an outstanding place to watch them with its very dark sky

    • #1306
      Eileen Lenkman

      [b]Currently signed up for this trip as of 8/4
      First Name Last Name
      Roger Allison
      Edward Bayham
      Jim Bensman
      Briana Conley
      Deborah Dyle
      Dorine Johnson
      Carolyn Knarr
      Eileen Lenkman
      Paul Meyer
      Dustin Oppelt
      Eleanor Pardini
      Karla Pashia
      Dennis Pierce
      Bill Prater
      Kathleen Pszonka
      Diana Ronning
      Dennis Strubberg

    • #1454
      Carolyn Knarr

      I am signed up but my name is not on the list

    • #1455
      Carolyn Knarr

      Is anyone camping or staying at a cabin the night before? I am coming by myself and would like some company.

    • #1473

      Hi Dave, Apologies for questions; I read the trip info and am still confused about a few details:

      1) Is it two day trips with camping at a campsite/cabin in between or is it a two-day trip with camping on the river on Saturday night?

      2) Are folks camping/cabining at Twin Bridges or Northfork Rec Area or both?


    • #1483

      We will be camping at both locations. North Fork Recreation area (also known as Hammond Camp) is basic campground in Mark Twain National Forest. It has water and pit toilets. Twin Bridges ia a full service campground with cabins campsites for tents and RVs and a restaurant. I offer both for those who want to go on an overnight trip but don’t have camping gear or a desire to rough it. I am camping at North Fork as the campsites are spread out among old growth trees and much more serene than Twin Bridges.

    • #1484
      Carolyn Knarr

      So, to clarify, you are camping at North Fork Friday night and on the river Saturday?

    • #1494
      Eileen Lenkman


      Sorry for the delay. I just checked and you are not signed up for this trip? Can you do it again, please?

    • #1495
      Eileen Lenkman

      North Fork sounds lovely!

      I’ll be camping where you are, Dave!

    • #1496

      No we will be camping at the campground both nights.

    • #1499
      Carolyn Knarr

      Would any females going
      be interested in sharing a cabin with me?

    • #1519

      Should there be a difference in viewing Perseids between Twin Bridges and Northfork Rec Area?

    • #1520

      Can someone send me the link to reserve a site at the North Fork Recreation area

    • #1521

      It appears that campsites are first come, first served. Two vehicles, up to 8 persons per site.

    • #1522
      Carolyn Knarr

      Eileen and I are camping there.

    • #1523

      Thanks Ed.

    • #1524

      When are y’all going down? Fri a.m. early?

    • #1525

      There is a significant less light at the Northfork campground.

    • #1526

      Is there a good place to watch in the Northfork Campground? They peak around 5 am. My plan is to get up around 4 and watch till sunrise. Then go back to bed and skip the 2nd day trip.

    • #1527
      Eileen Lenkman


      We donā€™t have firm plans yet but I want to set my tent up when itā€™s still light so leaving mid afternoon at the latest

    • #1528

      Jim, The best place is the parking lot for the river access. Me and Robin watched the stars there a couple years ago. You get a clear view without any trees in the way. Just have to hope for no clouds.

    • #1529

      There is also a trail from the campground to a nice large gravel bar on the river to watch the sky.

    • #1530

      Thanks Eileen. See you there.

    • #1547

      Sorry to attach on to your message, but couldn’t see how to start a new thread. I am booked into the campground fir Friday and Saturday night. Did not know that there were multiple sites people were staying at. They do allow mire than one car and tent, so if anyone wants to share my campsite there is plenty of room. This is my first trip with you all since the skill training clinic. Looking forward to it, but also a little nervous. My most recent anxiety is what if I go and never find the group….lol. if you see a confused older woman wandering around in a black rav 4 with illinois plate….SAY HI and point me in the right direction!

    • #1549

      I am camping at twin bridge. I am also coming by myself. I will be arriving on Friday afternoon and going home Sunday afternoon.

    • #1551

      Deborah I will camp with you. šŸ™‚ it’s going to be great.

    • #1552

      Do you want to ride together?

    • #1553

      Great with sharing camp site! I don’t know if I can haul two kayaks. I have a basic rack and cross bar with pads on top of my Rav 4. I do have one set of j hooks I hVe never used, because I don’t think I can get a kayak up top onto them by myself. Lol. If we can work out the logistics for riding together that would be great!

    • #1555
      Eileen Lenkman

      For all the first timers in this group, we frequently finish the weekend by having great barbecue at Mo Hicks in Cuba on the way home on Sunday afternoon.

      It’s a bit more challenging for vegetarians but they’ll work with you.

    • #1558

      Hi everyone I talked to is camping at hammond. Would you consider changing and camping there? I share a site with u.

    • #1559

      I don’t think so. I already paid, and there is no refund. But, I am okay if you want to go to Hammond.

    • #1560

      I am actually rethinking this whole thing at this point. It is kind of hard jumping from doing the skill clinic into a trip like this. Not sure if I am ready, not sure if I have the right boat, and if so which one to bring. I do not currently have a long boat, so if everyone is doing long boats I may be to slow to keep up with group. I am not sure what or where Hammond is, and why everyone is staying there rather than where the post gave us. As this was one of the trips that did not require a lot more experience and a longer kayak than what I have available I signed up months ago for the campsite. I had no camping gear, so have had to invest in that but I am still pretty basic with the set up. I have sort of know a few people from the club, for sure still a newbie. Now that I have a kayak that fits in my RAV and can go to work with me, maybe I can start going to the WEDs night paddles and meet more people. I guess these questions will work their way out. LOL.

    • #1561
      Eileen Lenkman

      Deborah, are you available to talk this evening? I work nights but will be available to talk around 10pm.

      Your first overnight is scary but there are plenty of people who will help you out. We can talk things through this evening too — or some other time if it’s not convenient.


    • #1562

      Deborah, give me a call and I can answer your questions. Iā€™m retired. Kathy 3144023038

    • #1563

      Debbie, You are in good hands. This is the perfect group to get as much or as little help as you like. Have a wonderful trip. It is a stunning river.

    • #1564

      Hi Deborah – I’m new to the club myself and I second the notion that you’re in very good hands. I can be painfully shy, but everyone has been very kind, helpful, patient…all the good things!

      I do have some extra camping gear – most of my stuff is very small and lightweight because I was an avid backpacker before I got into paddling. If you need advice or there’s something you’re missing that you need to borrow, text me at 314.956.2990.

      Also, there’s no question to basic to be asked, we were all newbies once and some of us still are – myself included šŸ™‚

    • #1565

      Thanks Joan. Kathy and Eileen both reached out. I will be there. šŸ™‚ i am very much looking forward to this trip, and the wonderful company of all the club members.

    • #1566

      Thanks Eileen. I think i will be fine, I will keep my reservations, and meet up with everyone Saturday Morning. I feel better already! Thank you, Kathy and Joan fir reaching out!

    • #1567

      I suggested 2 camp grounds as Twin Bridges has rental cabins, RV hook up a restaurant and showers fir those who do not have lots of camping gear or prefer not roughing it. Hammond is a campground that is baic surrounded by old growth trees but also away from lights to view the meteor shower. Both campgrounds are good depending on ones preference. I will post directions and information for meeting up and shuttles closer to the trip when I know water levels and exactly what sections we will paddle.
      This trip is appropriate for most boats except long sea kayaks and composite boats.

    • #1568

      Deborah, I’m so grateful you posted and shared with vulnerability about your concerns about this trip. I’m relatively new to the club as well, and though I’ve done a bunch of pop-up paddles with the club, this will be my first overnight with the club, so I’m nervous too! I’m also relatively new to camping myself. I basically hadn’t been camping prior to spring 2021 when I decided I wanted to try it, so I’ve been getting gear, learning how, increasing my skills, all with great mentorship from friends! I’m glad you touched based with Kathy and Eileen and decided you’re in. Looking forward to doing this trip with both long and new club members!

      CAMPING: As others have mentioned, North Fork Rec Area (Hammond) is first come first serve, so that’s what Dustin and I will try for. We will have one car and one tent. We can leave Friday morning but maybe not till 10am or so, so hopefully we can arrive early enough to get a spot! We would be happy to share a spot with someone else if either we or you arrive early šŸ˜‰

    • #1569

      Hi Briana. They are pretty great aren’t they? I am not by nature a shy person, but I do tend to want to know a LOT about things before I jump in. I am a little disappointed that I am going to not be with the main group of people. But I know I will be okay. Heck I will probably be so tired by Saturday night that I will be asleep before dark anyway. LOL.

    • #1570

      Thanks Eleanor. Look forward to meeting you on the trip.

    • #1580

      I suggest we have a quick discussion at the monthly meeting of possible shuttle options for those departing from St. Louis.
      – Ed Bayham

    • #1581
      Eileen Lenkman

      Good idea, Ed!

      Everyone, if you are interested in carpooling, please reply to this post. It takes about 3 1/2 hours to get to the area and I am assuming you will want to arrive before dark to get your tents up — if your work schedule allows of course. Indicate the earliest you can leave.

      Our normal carpooling site is the commuter site at Gravois and 270.

    • #1583

      We hope to get there sometime Friday afternoon.

    • #1584

      I can leave as early as 1 pm on Friday. I just have one kayak. I can carry an additional one.

      – Ed Bayham

    • #1585

      I can leave as early as 1 pm on Friday. I just have one kayak. I can carry an additional one.

      – Ed Bayham

    • #1586

      Sorry all, but I’m going to have to miss this trip.
      Dave Dickson

    • #1590
      Eileen Lenkman
    • #1614
      Carolyn Knarr

      2 quick questions:
      1. The trip description says it is 6 hours from St. Louis. Is this correct?
      2. I didn’t see anywhere where we are putting in and taking out.

    • #1615
      Eileen Lenkman


      It’s more like 3 1/2 hours from St Louis one way. What exactly we’ll be doing each day will be decided very close to the date depending on river levels and possibly the weather.

    • #1617

      It is about 3 1/2 hours. With the rain in forcastxact I cannot determine where we paddle each day. I will post is Friday Morning where we will meet on Saturday Morning.

    • #1618
      Carolyn Knarr

      Thanks Eileen

    • #1619
      Carolyn Knarr

      This website gives a lot of good info on the meteor shower:

      Viewing the Perseid Meteor Shower in 2023

    • #1621

      Might it be feasible to include a stretch of Bryant Creek on one of the days? – Ed

    • #1622
      Eileen Lenkman


      I’ve been wanting to do Bryant Creek for years! But preferably with someone who knows it — maybe from the Ozark Mountain Paddlers. And the water has to be up too. It’s on my To do list to make that happen.

    • #1623

      I did a 3 day, 33 mile float on Bryant Creek several years ago. There are no outfitters on that stream. We had to portage around numerous obstructions and one low water bridge. We saw nobody else on the whole trip. It doesn’t have as many springs as the North Fork but it’s a beautiful float and you can walk up to see Hodgson mill, always a plus.

    • #1624

      Thanks Gary! – Ed

    • #1625

      I’m game for a trip next Spring. – Ed

    • #1628

      Here is the timing for the meteor showers. Weather forecast is not looking good now

      • IMG_71444447_2023-08-06.jpg
    • #1631

      Iā€™m canceling going on this trip. Have fun Kathy Pszonka

    • #1632
      Carolyn Knarr

      Sorry you won’t be joining us.

    • #1634

      Sorry that I won’t get to see you.

    • #1636
      Eileen Lenkman

      Current Attendee List as of August 10, 2023.
      Roger Allison
      Edward Bayham
      Jim Bensman
      Briana Conley
      Deborah Dyle
      Dorine Johnson
      Mark Johnson
      Carolyn Knarr
      Eileen Lenkman
      Dustin Oppelt
      Gary Palmer
      Eleanor Pardini
      Karla Pashia
      Dennis Pierce
      Bill Prater
      Diana Ronning
      Dennis Strubberg

      Please notify us if you decide to cancel. Thank you

    • #1638

      The gage was broken for a few days. Saturday we will paddle from the North Fork Boat ramp at North Fork zrecreation Area. We will meet there st 9:00 AM. and run the shuttle. Saturday paddle will be 10 miles to Blair Bridge access. Sunday we can either paddle Hebron to Twin Bridges or the PP bridge to Tescumrsh.

    • #1639
      Eileen Lenkman

      First time Ozark Mountain river kayakers: bring a good rain jacket on the river with you. Thunderstorms can suddenly drop the temperatures 20 degrees or more. Don’t rely on flimsy disposable ponchos.

    • #1640
      Carolyn Knarr

      So glad you’re going. I’m pretty nervous, too, as I’m not the best kayaker and I’m horribly out of shape. But I’m giving this whole thing a try.

    • #1641

      Looks like most of the rain went South. They were saying 3 inches for Dora but they got 1.25 inches

      But there are supposed to be thunder storms Saturday night, most likely at the height of the meteor shower. I really want to see the meteor showers and it is supposed to be clear up here. So I am going to cancel and go camp up at Beaver Dam State Park and watch the meteor showers there.

    • #1642
      Carolyn Knarr

      Yeah…looks like a lot of rain Sunday.

    • #1643

      Hi have Frogg Toggs but I am not sure that is good enough? Its not paddling specific. I may try and run by alpine or rei and see what they have that will fit me. Otherwise my frog’s will have to do.

    • #1644

      Thanks, that makes me feel like I am not going to be the newbie. I look forward to meeting you. At almost 65 I am in better shape than I have been….maybe ever, at kestrel since high school. It’s been a journey, and for me kayaking is reward as well as a part of the journey.

    • #1645
      Eileen Lenkman

      I used Frog Togs for years — still have them and all patched inside with duct tape! They make a great pillow if you don’t need them for rain.


    • #1646
      Eileen Lenkman

      Paddling in the rain can be fun as long as you are not cold. Lots of waterfalls and drippy cliffs – great photo ops

    • #1647

      Are plans emerging for meeting up to shuttle to the North Fork? – Ed Bayham

    • #1651
      Eileen Lenkman

      Great trip despite the rain and not paddling Sunday (due to that rain).

      So good to see everyone again. I think it’s been 3 years since I’ve been on the North Fork and two years since I’ve been on a Club overnight trip and in my Liquid Logic XP9.

      Maybe we can do it again in October!

    • #1652

      Thanks are due to you Dave, and Briana for shepherding the group for a fun paddle on Saturday. The storms added to the sense of adventure and encouraged camaraderie! I captured some nice action shots, especially paddlers riding the wave trains.
      Ed Bayham

    • #1653
      Carolyn Knarr

      Such a great weekend despite the rain. You all rock! I felt so safe and learned so much.

    • #1654
      Eileen Lenkman

      I have to agree Ed! It was a great group of people and everyone meshed so well. I wish I could go on the Big Piney but can’t. šŸ™ But looking forward to hopefully doing another trip on the North Fork in October. I will lead that but you can all be very sure I’ll be super conscious of people having the appropriate gear for that time of year — concentrating on the probability as in preparing for immersion. I am really looking forward to having more multi-sport weekends where people can paddle, bike, hike or just enjoy the great outdoors.

    • #1655

      It was a great weekend and I’m glad I got to see those of you I knew again and meet those I didn’t! I’ve really enjoyed my short time with the club and look forward to many more adventures with you all. It’s been a very encouraging, safe, and positive place to practice my paddling skills and learn new tricks.

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