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    • #984

      I will be pasting in the minutes for 2022 starting with the most recent (November) and going back to the beginning of the year.

    • #985

      November 3, 2022

      First meeting:
      Bob Krustak
      $9325 but we have some expenses: trailer repairs, taxes on trailer, renew ACA memebership (150)

      Nominations: Marty Koch nomination accepted
      Passed by acclimation

      Vice President:
      Eileen volunteered, seconded by Marty
      Passed by acclimation

      Nomination: Gary
      Passed by acclimation

      Passed by acclimation

      Future of the club:
      Need to develop committees
      Outreach for youth and social media
      Kathy: wants to opening up the facebook page

      Other social media: instagram, YouTube, TikTok

      Marty handed out proposals from a side meeting

      Dave: need more trip leaders, more trips, smaller trips.

      Social media/outreach committee:
      Facebook et al,
      Dave Motion: create an advancement committee, includes social media and outreach.
      Seconded: Gary
      Passed by acclaim
      Erin Kutell

      Outreach? reaching out to other organizations, underserved
      Ollie: what about an outreach officer (elected)?

      Joe: motion: we create an officer position for an outreach officer
      Ollie Seconded
      Passed by acclamation

      Nomination: Kathy: Ollie seconded by Dave
      Passed by acclimation


      Bryan, Bob, Mark, Marty

      Marty: this should be a function of the executive committee.

      Ed: trip committee?

      Kathy: reduced price for returning membership?

      Do we need to remove the pop up trip option from the web site?

      Team river runner: let’s coordinate.

      First Day Float is on

      11 pt lawsuit was turned back by the Supreme Court

      Meeting adjourned.

    • #986

      September 1, 2022

      No new faces

      Treasurer: $9318

      Trip reports:

      Gary: cool cave tour 9 people they joined us with another group total 15 people plus 3 guides and safety boaters: water 3 feet lower than last time which opened some new areas. 3 hour tour. “Everybody seemed reasonably happy”

      Skills clinic: had a good canoe session, taught by Tanner with Big Muddy adventures
      Bob: Operation clean stream: 80+ people participated, county brought in their canoes, big rush getting people on the water. Big Muddy Adventures helped. Most unique thing? Nothing really, but there was LOTS of stuff removed. Very successful

      “Do we have a lessons learned list?” We probably should.

      Up coming trips
      This weekend big piney overnight, down to 13 participants signed up. Boiling springs, camping at a gravel bar finishing at Ross Bridge

      Sep 10: moving water clinic, TBD probably Meramec or big river depending on water level. Canoe friendly.

      October 1: Current river overnight paddle 24 people registered Cedar grove or depending on water level.

      Elections next month:
      President, Vice President, Vice President, secretary,

      presentations: contact tows Randy M. Gordon Brown has YouTube videos of this system.
      Dave: plastic welding. Lexal caulk

      October 6, 2022

      No new faces
      Trip reports: moving water clinic 11 people palisades to allerton

      Current river 24 people signed up, only 14 showed acres to Pulltite , Pulltite to round springs, saw lots of wildlife

      President: nominations:

      Motion: Dave — move that we vote next month to dissolve the club and move our assets to the MRWTA since we don’t have enough officers. Officers stay the same for another month. Seconded by Eileen.

      Active members: before covid averaged over 200 members
      Last year we had about 60
      This year, about 80.

      Resolution passed, will revisit next month

    • #987

      August 4, 2022

      new people: none
      Treasurer 9222.72

      We have 2 new instructors: John Meyers and Gaby Bayahy

      Upcoming events:
      Friday Night Evening paddle at Council Bluff on the 12th

      Skills clinic on the 13th
      nobody signed up for advanced

      20trh cool cave tour (possible) Guy who runs the tours is sick, but may have to cancel if they can’t get confirmation.

      27th: clean stream at simpson lake.need to sign up on open space council website (see our website for details)

      September: 3 big piney overnight
      moving water: 10th or the 17th? 10th agreed on

      coastguard auxiliary was supposed to do the presentation, but couldn’t make it

      September: minor boat repairs.

      Favorite gravel bar meal? good idea for a forum

      MR340 Joan Twillman and Carol Heddinghouse came in first place women’s tandem at 54hrs, 54 minutes Congratulations!

    • #988

      May 5, 2022
      Dave couldn’t make it,

      New faces: Christopher King

      date for the clinic (need more instr)
      Potluck at simpson next month?

      MRWTA paddlefest Melissa Sauter, Mary Mierkowski, and Joan : Already have solid on the water coverage, may need more on land coverage. Eileen will put it on the calendar.
      Q on waivers: ACA waivers must be on file for each organization, either annual or per event.

      9 people online.

      Mary and Melissa:

      MRWTA has space
      * in safety facilitator endorsement for instructors
      *have space in the trip leader class, but nobody has signed up.
      *If nobody signs up, may turn it into a recertification class instead. Melissa wants some kind of headcount for who would be interested. Eileen will send out a broadcast email.

      Matt Miller: trying to get people to connect for our traditional CCL Wednesday night paddles. Eileen wants me to remind her to post about it by Saturday.
      also: moving water clinic possibly in early September.

      Eileen: President in waiting, but we need to step up and keep the club going as her current time and energy is limited.
      Eileen wants to improve community involvement.

    • #989

      April 7 2022
      Treasurer report: 9416 no expenses

      Trip reports:
      Big creek canceled because too cold
      Outdoor expo we had a booth

      Jack’s fork this weekend going to be bony will set Putin and take out on Saturday. Weather variable
      Meramec park to park may;21 Onondaga to Meramec springs state park. Long day.
      Jane 25 big river kids trip
      Skills clinic July 16 or august 13 open to suggestions.

      Presentation by bob Young on packing a kayak


    • [/ul]

  • #990

    March 3, 2022

    11 logged in through zoom

    First meeting: Carolyn from the sierra club to talk about the 11 pt river.

    Treasurer: 9218 in the treasury no expenses, about a dozen people have renewed and haven’t been entered yet

    Up coming trip

    12th Big Creek intro to white water, very fun paddle.

    Johnathan Lehman talking about the MWA races coming up — Races are in 2 weeks 18-20th need race judges for the 19th and 20th. Go to click on the competition button and then on volunteers. Look on the forum for a direct link. Free tshirt for a full day of judging. Free camping for judges at the group campsite at silver mines.
    Bryan from Stream Team United: Dome Life. I 44 corridor same day as the MWA races. Was hoping that STLCC will have a booth. Robertsville state park. Eventbright put in March 19 and stream team to find the event.
    Kathy: leading a float trip on Big River to search for a missing person total of 20 miles, 2 groups 10 miles each. Woman doesn’t know if her husband is living or dead. 9:30 at the cedar hill access.

    ACA wants our scheduled trips list. Otherwise 3 days ahead of time will do.
    Presentation on the 11 point scenic corridor management plan. 11 point is a “scenic” river which means it’s got protection just short of the highest designation which is “wild and scenic”

    High points that SC wants: 1) HP limits stay no higher than 25 HP, 2)no mining and 3)no horse camps. 4)no clear cutting for “scenery’ Solitude, peacefulness, scenic close of comments is March 25

    Oregon county google 11pt river state park Oregon county lawsuit.
    For more information:

  • #991

    February 03, 2022
    Zoom only meeting due to weather.

    Treasurer report: 9059 no new expenses over the last month
    new players: Shirley kayaker

    Thanks to the Alpine Shop for providing Zoom for our meetings.

    Trips: they are starting to be logged on the web site. If anyone wants to run a trip and needs assistance getting it on the calendar, see Dave or Eileen. See the video of last meeting for details.

    Craig Heaton: MWA event MWA will attempt to have the races this year after cancelling 2020 and an abbreviated 2021. Craig is the volunteer coordinator, will look for start and finish timing and other March 18-20 on the St. Francis

    MWA is active with training possibilities — Sarah Watson is providing a CPR class tomorrow at Jojo’s warehouse.

    MWA: L4 canoe certification in March
    April 11-12 wilderness first aid
    april 24-26 swift water rescue
    see the MWA website for more details.

    MRWTA: L2 instructor, safety facilitator, and trip leader certification on memorial day weekend (May 28-30)

    Ed Bayham: 11 point river management plan has to be updated this year. What concerns? March 7 is close of call for comment. Will try to get a Sierra Club member to present on it next month.
    Marty: Canoecopia is a go this year! March 11-13
    Presentation: Joan, Denise and Carol presenting about racing.
    Races: Creve Coeur Lake Show Me Oars Day 5K

  • #992

    January 6, 2022

    New people: Jeremy Paskeg. Registered for the 340, running Current Design Stratus

    Treasurer: $8711.94 in the treasury. Incoming money from memberships. NOTE: if you hand money or a check, don’t give the

    Trips: pop up to mingo. Fun going out, came back against the wind. So

    Cache river trip: went well (Jim Bensman) went well, low water

    Up coming trips:

    Trip planning with Eileen presentation.
    Outdoor expo: April 1 and 2 at the gateway outdoor center will be looking for volunteers see the forums for details

    January 22: Mississippi Meanderings (MRWTA) Bryan Hopkins on Asian cape (safety) Dr Julie Zimmerman anthropologist talk about Cahokia , 3rd speaker Perry Whittaker the 2021 speed record attempt. (moved to February 26)
    Tickets are $10/person, or $15 for membership. Program runs 1-5 at the national great rivers museum cookies and coffee supplied. Also available: online tickets. Tickets from brown paper tickets. See the forum for a link.
    Reservation at old bakery brewery for dinner afterward. 20 seats reserved

    Next month: presentation on paddle racing. The paddle strokes will probably be mostly kayak

    Zoom? Everybody ok? So far so good

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