St Louis Canoe & Kayak Club Forums Common Adventure Trips 08/18/2024 Meramec Redhorse to River Round

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    • #3424
      Dennis Strubberg

      Weather looks great for a paddle Sunday. Looking to do a 15 mile stretch, Redhorse to River Round. Haven’t done this section in a couple of years. No outfitters but probably some power boat traffic. Post here or text me if interested. Will post details late tomorrow if I get enough for a shuttle.

    • #3425

      Johnson, party of 1.

    • #3432
      Gary Palmer

      Im interested, what time are we meeting?

    • #3433
      Kathleen Pszonka

      I can come. I remember it’s a pretty slow section with little current. A good work out . Kathy P

    • #3434
      Stacy Kistler

      Please count me in if there’s still room. I think Debbie’s interested, too

      – Stacy

    • #3435
      Dennis Strubberg

      Looks like I have enough for a shuttle so this paddle is a go. Since this is a 15 mile paddle on slow water I plan on meeting a little earlier than usual. I plan on being at the Eureka Walmart by 8:00 am to combine boats and finalize the shuttle. If anyone wants to meet us at River Round because it is easier for them, we should be there a little after 8:30 hopefully. If you plan on meeting us there please let me know so I can adapt the shuttle. As Kathy said this is 15 miles of relatively slow water, so don’t plan on getting done early, I’m out to enjoy the day, not to break a sweat. Be sure to bring lunch and water.

      • #3438
        Stacy Kistler

        I’ll meet at the Eureka Walmart. See you Sunday at 8am. Thank you for leading the trip!

    • #3437

      Hello, I do want to attend. Will meet at Eureka Walmart. With the length wondering about which boat to bring.

    • #3439
      Carolyn Knarr

      I’ll be there. Carolyn.

    • #3445

      I am going to river round.

    • #3446
      Carolyn Knarr

      I’ll be at the Walmart.

    • #3448
      Carolyn Knarr

      How long of a float would you guess this is?

    • #3494
      Kathleen Pszonka

      I’ll meet you at Walmart. I’m taking my solo canoe to build up endurance for canoeing . Kathy

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