St Louis Canoe & Kayak Club Forums Common Adventure Trips 07/27-28/24 Overnight on the 11 Point

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    • #3094
      Dennis Strubberg

      Looking to do an overnighter on the 11 Point this weekend. Meet at Greer Access Friday night or Saturday morning to work out shuttle.This trip is limited to club members. We will be camping on the river so you need to be able to get all gear and supplies into your boat. Post here or text me if you want to join in.

    • #3107
      Kathleen Pszonka

      I’m going on the Black River with Gary K Friday as a day trip. I’ll try to make your trip too and camp Friday night at Greer . Kathy

    • #3108
      John Meyer

      I am also going on the Black River with Gary K Friday as a day trip. I’ll try to make your trip too and camp Friday night at Greer.

    • #3109

      See you all Friday nite at greer.

    • #3110
      Stacy Kistler

      Thank you for hosting a trip! I might be able to attend, depending on family obligations. Do the Greer campsites need to be reserved in advance & if so, how?
      Best regards,

      • This reply was modified 7 months ago by Stacy Kistler. Reason: Added my name
      • #3112
        Dennis Strubberg

        Stacy, Greer Crossing is first come first serve with no reservations. Usually it is not too busy and sites are available. I will probably get down there early enough on Friday to get a site.

      • #3150
        Stacy Kistler

        Thank you for letting me know. Unfortunately I can’t join this weekend (in-law bday gathering) but hope to participate in the next outing. Thank you again!

    • #3127
      Randy Morgart

      Wish I could make it the Eleven Point has been on my list for a looong time.

    • #3142
      Dennis Strubberg

      Still planning on doing this trip. There is the possibility of some rain over the weekend so if you plan on joining me be sure not to forget some rain gear and dry clothes to change into when we get off the river. If you plan on coming down please let me know by noon Friday, I may not have cell service after then. Anyone planning on coming Saturday needs to be at Greer Crossing by 9:30 to make the shuttle.

      • #3151
        Stacy Kistler

        I can’t join. Replied above but posting again to help ensure you see my response. I’ll also reply on FB. Sad to miss this one 🙁

    • #3143
      Kathleen Pszonka

      Coming down Friday . As far as I know , John Meyer and Jim Moody too. Kathy

    • #3145
      John Meyer

      I need to back out of this trip as I have a new family obligation this weekend. I was really looking forward to this trip.

    • #3146

      I should be there by 630. I’ll be bringing a peach pie.

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