Club Membership

Membership levels

We offer paid individual and household/family memberships. These include free participation in all trips and skills clinic, the ability to post in website forums, ability to attend common adventure trips, and the right to vote on issues presented at general meetings or by online surveys.

  • Individual Membership: The current individual membership fee is $20 per year ($22 for online payment). Your membership starts the date you join and expires one year after that date. Paid memberships include free participation in all trips, clinics, and events, as well as voting privileges.
  • Household/Family Membership: The current family membership fee is $30 per year ($32 for online payment) and includes all family members within a given physical address. Your membership starts the date you join and expires one year after that date. Paid memberships include free participation in all trips, clinics, and events, as well as voting privileges. Additional household adults can be added to the membership by signing up as an Additional Family Member with the family membership code provided to the Family Membership holder. Children under 18 are eligible for a waiver of ACA fee for club-sanctioned trips or skills clinics, following limitation below; the ACA waiver coupon can be used a total of 6 times per family per membership year. To obtain your coupons, you will need to email to request coupons for your family for the year.
  • If you select to pay by check and want to mail your check, please mail a check for $20 for Individual Membership to St. Louis Canoe & Kayak Club, P.O. Box 179124, S. Big Bend Blvd, Richmond Heights, MO 63117 and email to alert us to look for a check payment. Thank you!

We offer free, reciprocal memberships to paid members of affiliate clubs. Affiliate membership includes all privileges of a paid membership except the right to vote on issues presented at general meeting or by online survey.

  • Affiliate Membership: The SLCKC offers reciprocal membership to verified members of Missouri Whitewater Association, Mississippi River Trails Association, and Team River Runner. Affiliate membership includes all privileges of a paid membership except the right to vote on issues presented at general meeting or by online survey. To join as an affiliate member you will be asked to provide the expiration date of your membership with your home club. Instructions: Email to create an affiliate membership.

General tips

  • To edit your profile, log in and go to Membership Tools >> Your Profile. You can update your contact details, ACA information, and other details.
  • Our forums contain posts about common adventure trips and gear for sale and serve as a way for members to communicate and connect. Anyone can view the forums on the website but only those with website user accounts can post or reply in forums. Anyone can create a free website user account.
  • For assistance: contact

Instructions for family memberships and signing minors up for trips

  • The first adult family member will sign up for a Household/family Membership and select as many additional “group seats” as needed for additional household/family members.
  • The system will provide a group code (write it down) that will be used by additional family members when they create their accounts. The family membership group code can always be found in the user account of the primary family member account under Membership Tools >> Membership Confirmation
  • Each additional adult family member will click on “Join the Club” and sign up as an Additional Family Member. You will need to use a separate email address.
  • To sign minors up for club trips or clinics, parents or caregivers can reserve Tickets for them in the Event checkout for each trip or clinic. Minors do not need their own website accounts for parents to sign them up for trips. To obtain a discount code to use to cover the cost of 6 total $10 ACA single-event fees, email

Consider annual membership with ACA

St Louis Canoe & Kayak Club is an American Canoe Association Paddle America Club and we use ACA for liability insurance at skills clinics and official club trips. For official club trips or skills clinics (not common adventure trips), we require participants to have liability coverage with an annual ACA membership or single-event coverage. We recommend all club members purchase an annual individual membership to the American Canoe Association but that is not mandatory. However, if you are not an American Canoe Association member, there is a one-time $10 ACA event membership fee for each trip or clinic you attend. Common adventure trips that occur on class II and below level water do not require ACA insurance, but participation in our club (ACA sanctioned) trips or clinics requires an ACA annual ($40) or single day membership ($10). If you are not an annual American Canoe Association member, there is a one-time $10 ACA event fee for each trip or clinic you attend. To sign up with the ACA, navigate to the ACA website below.  Select “Join” or “Renew” and register or log-in as instructed.  Be sure to indicate you are a member of Paddle America Club, St. Louis Canoe and Kayak Club. You will receive your ACA membership number, your choice of magazine subscription from Rapid Media and more.

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