Thought I would post and see if anyone would be interested in getting on the water tomorrow Saturday. Paddle Palisades to Allenton. Will be a little cool but is supposed to be some sunshine around noon. Post here or text me if interested. Would probably meet at Allenton boat ramp at 9:30 to combine boats and do shuttle to put-in. I will confirm later if I get any interest.
Looks like I have enough for a shuttle so this paddle should be a go. Be sure to dress for the weather and water conditions. If the forecast holds we should have sunshine and mid 50’s in the afternoon.
Now I’m backing out. Don’t know what I was thinking. Have appt with ortho doc on Thurs because my damn elbow kills me when I paddle. So sorry. Y’all have a great time.
Thank you, Dennis, for setting up the trip. Water temp ~45, air temp ~60, & sunny. Water was murky due to rain up stream. Saw eagles occupying a nest, heron, and a couple boaters just out for a day in pleasant weather. Dennis, Jenn, and I enjoyed a good paddle.