St Louis Canoe & Kayak Club Forums Club Sanctioned Trip Info & Comments Mississippi River Fall Foliage Paddle 10/15

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    • #912
      Eileen Lenkman

      There will be a 15 mile Fall Foliage paddle on the Mississippi River on October 15. We will leave from Lenkman’s Landing in St Charles and paddle down to Hideaway Harbor.

      This is for intermediate paddlers with at least 14′ boats.

      There will be another Fall Foliage paddle for beginners scheduled soon.

    • #915

      Where is Lenkman’s Landing? Is that where the group is meeting to set up the shuttle?

    • #916


      What is the start time for this trip, and approximately when would it end?

    • #917
      Eileen Lenkman


      Will be finalizing plans for this paddle on Friday morning and reaching out to all registered via text. Will publish exact details here, in the trip description, and via text message to you. We have two choices:
      1) An all day 15 mile paddle down the Mississippi River. Start time 9:am

      2) Meet at 10am at Hideaway Harbor and paddle upstream towards Grafton until we can see the bluffs. As low as the river is, paddling upstream should not be an issue. Maybe we could actually go to Grafton and do lunch at the Loading Dock. With this option, we’re not committed to a day long paddle like we are with option one. What do you think? Again, I’ll reach out to all of you via text no later than Friday morning or feel free to text or call me at your leisure at 636-922-3663. Texting is actually better because if I don’t know your number, I may not answer. 🙂

    • #918

      There is very little current right now as you expected. The wind is a bigger unknown and has been ferocious this year at times. It is about 4 miles upstream to Grafton. The bluffs can be visible from Hideaway all the way to Grafton.

    • #919

      Right now predicted 10-12 mph wind gusts for Saturday. 15 miles in Mississippi R pool is much slower than the Missouri R with current. I’ve paddled upstream in that area with Joan and it’s very doable. Kathy

    • #920

      Another option with a strong north wind is to launch in Grafton and go South. Might make for a very quick trip though. I actually like the run from Pere Marquette down to Grafton better. Much less traffic and a bit more sheltered.

    • #924

      I am good to go on the trip as long as I can be off the water and at my car by 3 pm (in order to honor a previous commitment.

    • #925
      Eileen Lenkman

      Thanks for everyone’s input!

      Right now the wind prediction is “light and variable” on Saturday which could mean anything. At this time, I think we should keep it simple and plan on meeting at Hideaway Harbor at 10am. I will update the trip description to that. Bring your lunch, snacks, drinks — maybe a hot drink in a thermos. Wear layers and a waterproof jacket — if its windy, there could be blowing spray.

      Robert, maybe someone can lead a trip down from Pere Marquette in the next couple weeks when the colors are even better. This is the only day I can do it.

    • #931

      Clarification. Are we Launching at Hideaway Harbor on the Missouri Side, or the facility a Piasa Creek on the Illinois side?

    • #932
      Eileen Lenkman

      Hideaway Harbor on the Missouri side.

      Assuming you are coming from St Charles on Highway 94, take a left on Grafton Ferry Road. Take a right on Portage Road and travel for 6 miles.

      You will be turning left on Sioux Drive, but there is no street sign or park sign. When you see the industrial buildings in the distance, slow down. If you get to Weber Lake Road, you’ve gone too far.

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