St Louis Canoe & Kayak Club Forums Club Sanctioned Trip Info & Comments Current River Overnight — Sep 30 – Oct 1, 2023

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    • #1498
      Eileen Lenkman

      Current River in the Ozark National Scenic Riverways – Meet at Pultite Access

      Trip Leader: Dave Haessig – – 314-304-7970

      This will be an overnight trip with camping on the river. We will meet at the Pulltite River Access at 8AM. See the map link below for location of Pulltite Access. Bring you camping gear, change of clothes in a waterproof container, your food and beverages (Non-Alcoholic Beverages while on the river). The Current River is a prime trout steam for those anglers among us. As this is a late season float you must dress appropriately and bring a complete change of clothes with you. You will be responsible for providing your own food, cooking equipment and beverages. No alcohol while on the river. Drive time from St. Louis is approximately 3.5 hours.

      This is a small stream is suitable for all boat types and skill levels. There may be downed trees, sweepers and strainers to avoid. Some boat handling skills are required. PFD’s are required while on the water. For questions as to your skill level for this paddle contact the trip leader prior to reserving you place.

      If you are a club member, click here to register for the trip:

      If you are not a member of the St Louis Canoe & Kayak Club, please register / join here first:

    • #1721
      Eileen Lenkman

      Carolyn Knarr and Deborah Dyle are camping at Echo Bluff SP on Friday night. There may still be a walk-in campsite available if anyone wants to join us. The cost is $15.

      Missouri State Parks – Missouri State Parks Reservation System :!park/111

    • #1756

      This is shaping up to be a great trip. We will likely get to see the beginning of some fall colors. We will either paddle from Cedargrove to Pulltite or Akers Ferry to Pulltite depending on flow. We will meet at Pulltite at 8:30 Saturday morning run the shuttle and start the trip. We will be camping on the river Saturday night so you need to pack your camping gear in yoi boat.

    • #1757

      I was really looking forward to this trip but unfortunately will not be able to make it, due to an unavoidable scheduling conflict that has come up.

    • #1764

      Due to my recent travels, I’m behind on other priorities. I’m sorry that I will have to cancel my registration.
      Hope it’s a great trip for everyone!
      – Ed Bayham

    • #1766

      Sorry, I am canceling. Have a great trip.

    • #1767
      Eileen Lenkman

      Updated Participant List — as of 9/25

      Briana Conley
      Deborah Dyle
      Dave Haessig
      Carolyn Knarr
      James Miller
      Gary Palmer
      Kathleen Pszonka
      Gary Strohmeyer
      Dennis Strubberg

    • #1774

      FYI, Sharing from a post on Facebook from Missouri Scenic Rivers:
      There is speculation on what happens at Ozark National Scenic Riverways if the Federal Government shuts down on October 1.
      According to the Washington Post, who spoke with Dept. of Interior in DC, National Parks will be shut down. ONSR is a national park. This includes campgrounds and float concessioners who have government contracts. This has happened in the past, twice that I know of.
      All three of us get the official news releases from ONSR in Van Buren. If we get official news one way or another, you all will be the second to know.
      Our advice right now is to make a Plan B for Sunday forward, and listen to your favorite news outlet for progress or problems on federal funding bills advancing or stalling. No one knows what plan they may come up with until it comes over as an official news release.

    • #1777

      They can’t stop you from taking out , but restrooms , pit toilets will likely be locked incase of govt shutdown.
      I just read that MO kayaking is planning a similar trip Friday at Cedar Grove to Round Springs, Sat/Sunday. They are a real party group . Friday night camping at Cedar Grove . I paddled Cedar Grove 3 weeks ago. It was low doable in empty boats . It’s probably lower now unless they get rain. Weather will be perfect . Kathy

    • #1780

      Hi everyone,

      Has a decision been made as to the beginning and end of the float?
      1. Cedar Grove to Pulltite
      2. Akers Ferry to Pulltite
      3. Pulltite to Round Springs

      I haven’t made any reservations yet and not sure about an overnight float as this is my first with the group.

    • #1781
      Carolyn Knarr

      I was just talking to Richard Spencer and he said last time there was a government shutdown they were arresting people who were floating on the current river.

    • #1782
      Carolyn Knarr

      Should say “they were issuing citations,”

    • #1783

      I’ve heard of floaters getting a ticket for floating on the river that became legally closed due to high water. It was legal when they put on and no way of knowing it became closed when they posted the following morning, as there is no phone service. That’s crazy . I don’t know about govt shutdowns. Kathy

    • #1784

      I’ll call Ozark National Scenic Waterways tomorrow and ask them their plan, instead of speculating

    • #1785
      Carolyn Knarr

      I called them today and they didn’t know anything. They couldn’t even tell me if the river is off-limits if the government shuts down. I hope you get someone else on the phone!

    • #1786

      Akers to Round Springs

    • #1787

      This was from Dave Toby former head interpreter ranger Ozark National Scenic Riverways

      Ha! Yes that’s a good question. It depends, in the past we have had “hard” shutdowns and other times we had “soft” shutdowns. During hard shutdowns they would close the river and all access points. During soft shutdowns they allowed people on the river and visitors had access to landings but no services such as trash, restrooms, and rescues in the park. I know you want a definitive answer but we won’t know until it happens. Personally, and of course I was always getting in trouble for this approach, but if I wanted to paddle the river I did. In 2018-2019 we conducted the winter paddling clinic during a shutdown and about 150 people participated in last day and first day paddling events. It was our most successful paddling event ever. You might want to call hq and see if anyone there will take a stand on this issue. Best of luck.

    • #1788

      Dave, Just letting you know something has come up and I will be cancelling on this trip.

    • #1789

      I spoke with the ranger at the Ozark R Scenic Waterways in Van Buren. Getting out of the river on Sunday will not be a problem Sunday. No firm gate closings( if there will be any at all) won’t be directed until Monday . She said rangers would be forgiving and no tickets would be given to any floaters getting off the river Sunday, incase of govt shutdown. Kathy 3144023038

    • #1790
      Carolyn Knarr

      James, sorry, your first time trip with us has gotten so complicated! Hang in there… It’ll be worth it. It’s a great group of people.

    • #1791

      I’m going down early Friday afternoon to Pulltite to get a first come campsite at Pulltite. I will have a dark grey Toyota Rav 4 and a Malone Kayak trailer. Willing to share my site . I will bring a water filter for the trip, first aide kit, throw rope. I think you can have 3 tents, 3 vehicles . Kathy 3244023038

    • #1793

      There are Ozark Maps at Pulltite, Round Spring and probably Echo Bluffs. Internet very spotty. Download google maps . Kathy

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