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    • #3476
      Carolyn Knarr

      St. Louis Kayak & Canoe Club Meeting
      August 1, 2024
      6:30 – 8:30pm
      Shrewsbury Community Center

      Attending Board Members: Carolyn Knarr, Natalie Johnson, Eleanor Pardini, Ed Bayhem

      The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm.

      Welcome to new members and first-time meeting attendees

      Update from the President – Carolyn
      Carolyn provided an update that Eileen Lenkman has stepped down as President due to health concerns. Carolyn will assume the role of President for the remainder of the year. This decision was supported by fellow Board Members.

      Recognition of members
      Carolyn recognized Eileen Lenkman for her service as President and previously as Vice President.
      Carolyn recognized Joan Twillman for paddling the MR340 and Carol Heddinghousc for providing race support.
      Carolyn acknowledged Eleanor Pardini for her work on the website, transferring members from the old site to the new.

      Treasurer Report – Ed Bayham
      Ed reported that the Club is transitioning to Stripe payments to clarify the source of incoming funds. Currently, the Club receives money through various sites, causing confusion about its origin. Additionally, Ed recommended using a form to record cash payments at events, noting that people sometimes forget who paid.

      Earthtones Festival: September 1, 10:00am – 10:00pm, Alton’s Riverfront Amphitheater
      The Club will be sharing a tent with Team River Runner and needs volunteers to help staff the booth. The Outreach team plans to offer a fun photo cutout for children as an activity. Carolyn is looking for someone with painting skills to create the photo cutout. Those interested in volunteering should contact Carolyn to sign up.
      The event is also the same day as the MRWTA Rivers Rendezvous. We encourage as many paddlers to participate as possible.

      Outdoor Expo: November 22-24 St. Charles Convention Center
      The club will also be sharing a booth with TRR.
      Need volunteers to staff booth.

      Update on DASA event and Paddling with a Vet – Debbie Dyle
      Debbie shared that only a few paddling events remain: August 7, August 21, and September 11. Volunteers are encouraged to join and provide assistance. The events take place at Creve Coeur Lake.
      Debbie is also recruiting volunteers for the Kayak with a Vet event. Safety boaters and additional support staff is needed.

      Update on website – Eleanor
      Eleanor provided an overview of the newly built club website:
      Many members have already been migrated from the old site to the new one. Those who have been migrated should have received an email instructing them to log in and change their password. Eleanor is available to provide additional support for anyone needing setup assistance.

      Upcoming Trips – Eleanor
      On Tuesday, there is an opportunity to paddle from Grafton to Alton on the Mississippi River. Details on the event can be found online. Registration is due Monday, August 5.
      A family friendly paddle has been scheduled for August 24-25 on the Current River. More information can be found online.

      Call for nominations for up-coming election in October – Natalie
      Natalie announced a call for nominations, which will be accepted now through September 5. Nominations can be submitted in person at our next meeting or via the following weblink: form submission. Self-nominations are acceptable. If you are nominating someone else, they must agree to their nomination. A slate of candidates for voting will be presented at the October 3 meeting. Please note that this is for the positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary, starting from January 1 through December 31, with the option to extend for another term.

      Presentation – River Camping by Jim Moody
      We want to thank Jim for providing an interesting and exciting presentation on river camping.

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