St Louis Canoe & Kayak Club Forums Common Adventure Trips Bourbeuse River Day Trip May 6th

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    • #1287

      I thought I would see if there might be some interest amongst those not going on the Buffalo River trip to take a leisurely float on the Bourbeuse and doing some fishing. It would be a seven mile trip between Mill Rock Access and Wenkel Ford Access. I’ve done this trip several times before, fishing is usually good, the landscape is quite scenic and it’s probable we would be the only ones on this section of the river. The trip would be dependent on the weather and the river level. As of today the river is at the minimum level to be floatable but I’m sure we will get some more rain between now and then. If there seems to be enough interest in this proposal we can work out the details of the shuttle, meeting time and place etc.

    • #1288

      I’m interested Gary.

    • #1289

      I was wondering if anybody was going to bite on this one. Unfortunately I just found out today that my brother from California, who hasn’t been back here in 5 years, is coming to town that weekend. I’m going to have to back out on this one, but I would still like to do it sometime soon. Are you available during the week or does work interfere with your recreational plans?

    • #1292

      No, not available on weekdays due to work and I have plans for the remaining weekends in May. Happy for you that you get to spend time with your brother.
      I do have a retirement plan. I plan on kayaking.

    • #1298


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