St Louis Canoe & Kayak Club Forums Common Adventure Trips August A Busch Conservation Area Lakes Paddling Opportunities

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    • #1232
      Eileen Lenkman

      We can now kayak on a couple of the lakes in the August A Busch Memorial Conservation area. The lakes are #38 (on the far left on the map below) and 6, 34, 35, and 36 on the far right bottom half. I think going around the perimeter of #s 34 and 35 could be quite nice, especially in the evening and/or if you are looking for wildlife. Everyone must get a Daily Boating Tag from the Bait Shop which is open during normal hours. That needs to be turned back in no later than 30 minutes before closing.

      I learned all this today and if I could, I’d be out on those lakes at the next opportunity. But, I have a cast on my left arm so I won’t be kayaking for at least another month or so. However, if someone with a canoe wouldn’t mind a non-paddling passenger in exchange for a gourmet lunch, I would be happy to lead a trip — or two. I have to confess I have severe Spring Paddling fever and overall Paddling Withdrawal Syndrome. Only a canoeist can save me.

      In addition to kayaking, people could also hike on the trails or just around a lake. It is so beautiful there right now.

      Now that you know all this, of course, anyone can create a trip for this at any time, but if you have a canoe and wouldn’t mind taking me, I would be so grateful. I can do it on most Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays with notice.

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