Nine people, Nikki, Dana, Shelly, Phil, Dena, Ryan,Jeff, Christi and Gary, and three dogs braved record setting heat to float the scenic Black River.  The river was low which caused some scraping over a few riffles and dragging over a few too low to negotiate.  The water was crystal clear as usual and fishing was good, everybody was satisfied with the number of fish caught.  Dealing with the heat was the issue of the whole trip.  The first day was overcast until after lunch, it even sprinkled rain in the morning, then the sun came out.  There was a nice breeze both days which helped a lot and jumping in the river periodically provided relief from the heat.  Getting some sleep while camped on a gravel bar proved difficult.  The heat was the main problem but the full moon made it very bright in the tents and a non-stop chorus from the whip-poor-wills contributed to a restless night for most.  Despite the problems everybody stated that they enjoyed the trip and looked forward to doing it again.